The American Dream

The Foundation of the American Dream

The essence of the American Dream is rooted in our Constitutional rights, free market economy and lawful self-governance.  As your state senator, I will defend your freedom of speech, religion, assembly, due process, your right to bear arms, etc.  The words of Benjamin Franklin stand as a challenge to us today: We have a republic, if we can keep it.

The Hope of the American Dream

The American Dream has empowered countless individuals from diverse races and backgrounds to surpass the boundaries of imagination and live their life to the fullest. As we look ahead, let us envision an even brighter future for our children and grandchildren, where the pursuit of the American Dream has no limitations. Standing united, let’s cultivate Kansas into a fertile ground of opportunity for all, where the seeds of the American Dream can blossom and thrive, enabling future generations to flourish.

The Ideals of the American Dream

The American Dream enables individuals to overcome their past and shape their destinies as they seek a better future.  Key features of the American Dream include…  

The American Dream has inspired millions of immigrants to come to the United States seeking a better life. We would love to hear your American Dream story.​

Paid for by TJ Rose for Kansas.  Tricia Sinclair Treasurer